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Friday, May 18, 2007

EU-Russia Summit - Taking Stock of a Dreary Meeting

As I had already stated in an earlier post, from the beginning, the EU-Russia summit stood under a bad sign: Poland prevented negotiations on a renewal of the partnership between the EU and Russia as a result of Russia restricting imports of Polish meat. Meanwhile, Russia is in a snuff due to the relocation of a Soviet cenotaph in Estonia. The discord culminated in a battle of words between President of the Council of the European Union and German Chancellor Merkel and Russian President Putin. Merkel criticized Russian authorities for preventing opposition leader Kasparov from leaving Moscow in order to come to Samara. Putin, in turn, referred to the raid by the German police against opponents of globalization. Well, following Merkel's summary of the situation: at least one talks with each other.

To find more information about the EU-Russia summit, visit the website of the German government (article as of now only in German).

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