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Friday, March 23, 2007

A Daunting Discussion ...

The issue of climate change resounds throughout the land ... In Europe, where the winter has been exceptionally warm ... In the United States, where Al Gore was awarded an Oscar for his documentary on global warming ... The evidence is daunting ... Really? Who knows! The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) reports on a counter movement:

The advocates of this counter movement question the causality between human CO2 emissions and global warming ... they even challenge the phenomenon of global warming per se: couldn't the rising sea level be caused by continental drift and the "old" arctic ice just make room for new ice layers? And isn't the whole global warming discussion just a political creation of the former Thatcher government in Britain in order to promote atomic energy? All those questions are raised in a film by Martin Durkin in his film „The Great Global Warming Swindle“ broadcast on the British Channel 4 [website on film]. In the United States, the global warming critics just won a verbal battle against global warming proponents broadcast on National Public Radio [website on debate]. For a critical examination of those new arguments and other points of views on the issue of climate change, please see Real Climate [blog by climate scientists].

The discussion seems to be heated right now given the current political momentum ... but probably it will cool down at some point ... in accordance with the alleged temperature cycle of the earth ...

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